What you are about to read defines what we stand for, why we exist and what we aspire to become. You are about to read our Envisioned Future.


Core Values

      1.       Accuracy: We will be as accurate as possible in studying and teaching the Scriptures, using the basic rules of hermeneutics in order to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying through the scriptures.

    2.     Authenticity: Our relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit is precious to us, therefore we live our lives with integrity, in the love of Christ, and being transparent with one another.

      3.      Community: We want to create a place where single people can study the Bible, build a more intimate relationship with God and learn from one another.

     4.      Fun: We want everyone who gets in touch with our ministry to enjoy the state of singleness. They should have fun studying the Word of God, exploring its vast history, uncovering the truths found in it, and applying the revelation they received from it.


For every single person to know God’s purpose for being single.

Core Purpose

To launch single people into a life of new vision as they comprehend God’s purpose for being single and show them how to apply God’s Word in every aspect of their lives.


To teach single people how to study the Bible by developing a method that will draw them into a personal interaction with the scriptures. Utilizing various bible translations, bible helps and dictionaries, we will help them understand what the bible is saying, its deep inner meaning, and how to apply it to their lives.

We will look at the culture, language, historical facts, and use the basic rules of hermeneutics in order to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying through the Scriptures.


To help Christian singles know and understand the Kingdom of Heaven’s perspective on the state of singleness, and transform their lives to reflect this perspective.

To help Christian singles experience the joy of studying the Bible by creating a positive, joyful study environment that will help them hear God for themselves, experience better learning memory and establish a feeling of good self-esteem.


Instead of lectures, we will study in groups, ask thought-provoking questions, and provide consistent opportunities for them to discuss what they have learned.