Since God took one of Adam’s ribs and made it in the form of Woman, you must ask yourself, what was in Adam that came out in the form of Woman? It is important to know this because, whatever is inside of the man, that is who his wife will be. At the same time, whatever is in the woman, that is who her husband is.
Therefore, as a Single man, you must be transformed into God’s image so that He can take who He is in you and make that into your future wife. Likewise, as a Single woman, you must be transformed into God’s image as well, because you are to be a reflection of the intimate relationship between God and your future husband.
This Online Bible Study is designed to meet two main objectives:
1) To teach you how to study the Bible by developing a method that will draw you into a personal interaction with the scriptures. Utilizing various bible translations, bible helps and dictionaries will help you understand what the bible is saying, means, and how to apply it to your life.
2) To launch you to a life of new vision as you comprehend God’s purpose for singleness. This in-depth study of the first single man, Adam, will develop your sense of discerning your future mate and revolutionize your walk with Christ. You will look at the culture, language, historical facts, and use the basic rules of hermeneutics in order to understand what the Holy Spirit is saying through the Scriptures.
The Instructors, Pastors John and Dr. Dawn White will create a positive, joyful study environment that will help you experience better learning memory and feeling of good self-esteem.
Instead of long lectures, we’ll ask thought-provoking questions and provide consistent opportunities for you to discuss what you have learned in break-out groups. Whatever you share must be based upon the Scriptures and what you have studied, not merely on your opinions and what you think.
In this unique style of bible study, you will learn how to hear God clearly for yourself, how to apply God’s messages to your life, understand the different ways God talks to other people, and look for ways to share who God is in you to others – spreading the Gospel.
When you learn study skills, your ability to process new information can rise substantially. You are able to remember much more of what God is saying and have a better understanding of what He is doing in your life when you study on your own.
Register Today and learn what the Bible really says about being Single.