What Are You Thinking? Pt. 1

God’s Thought Manifested In You!


Your thoughts are so powerful that it can dictate what you want to achieve in life, what makes you happy, how you see God, how you deal with people and how you hope things are going to turn out.

In order to understand why our thinking process is so powerful, we must first look at how we were made.

Genesis 1:26 (KJV): And God said, let us make man in our image

Since God made us in His image, let’s look at one of the definitions of “image?” An image is a mental picture of something not actually present. It is a thought conceived in the mind but nothing in physical form. 

We’ll come back to image, but now let’s read:

Genesis 1:27 (KJV): So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

The Hebrew word for created means, “creation out of nothing”. It also means to bring into existence out of nothing”.

Question: What was the nothing that was created?

Based on the definitions we just looked at, the nothing is God’s thoughtSo, Man was made from the thought of God and placed inside a physical body.

Since God gave Adam a soul (mind, emotions and will), Adam had to learn how to apply God’s system of thinking into his own way of thinking so they could be one in thought and purpose. Adam was learning how to access his resources in the Kingdom of Heaven so he could take dominion over what God gave him.

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Selah Insight

When we apply God’s Word in our lives, we are transforming into God’s system of thinking so we can be one with Him in thought, character and purpose. As a result, we become a physical manifestation of God’s thought. We are in His image!

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In my desire to be a godly single man, I understood that I had to live in obedience to the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit’s transforming work enable me to live the life He predestined me to live. I realized that I couldn’t do it on my own and I needed to transform into God’s system of thinking so I could live the good life He wanted me to live.

As a Christian, you must realize that you were engrafted in Christ and became a new creation altogether. Your old moral and spiritual condition has ceased to live. You have been given a fresh and new moral and spiritual life (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The Bible is your “life guide” to show you how to live in the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.


Everything pertaining to life can be found in the Bible. Therefore, you must study the Bible to learn God’s thought process, know His voice when He speaks to you, how to access all of your resources in Heaven and utilize them appropriately in order to take dominion in your sphere of influence, undo the curse of sin in every aspect of your life and set others free by being a demonstration of who He is in you.

Therefore, you must not fall in with or adapt to the external, superficial customs and fleeting fashions of this world, which is your old nature. Instead, undergo a deep inner change by the entire renewing of your mind as the Spirit of God alone can work in you (Romans 12:2).


It All Starts With Your Mind

No matter what it is you want to achieve in life, what makes you happy, how you see God, how you deal with people or how you hope things are going to turn out – it all starts with your mind.


Your mind – and your mindset more specifically – is responsible for how successful you are in any given career or pursuit, how you see God, how others see you, your health, your physical strength and even how happy you are being single.

Any change you want to create in your life starts with the decision to make that change. In essence, all change starts from within. It is your perception of that change that determines whether or not you are content with it.

Perception is how you see the world, your life, business or organization. It is the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses.



Our experiences are largely what control our emotions. For example, being in close proximity to a lion is enough to trigger a cascade of different changes in the brain that ultimately result in us becoming highly aroused both mentally and physically.

But what if the lion wasn’t there and you only thought the lion was there?

What if the lion was there and you didn’t see it?

Ultimately, it is not the actual lion that triggers the response but rather your perception of the lion and your beliefs about the lion.


Using the same example: if you saw a lion and didn’t know what a lion was, then you probably wouldn’t have the same fight or flight response – you might even think it looked cute and want to cuddle it instead!

It’s your understanding of the situation that impacts the way you react to it and this in turn changes the way you feel and the way you behave. In other words, if your understanding of being single is based from a worldly perspective, then your reaction to singleness, the way you feel and the way you behave, will be just like the world’s way of thinking; ungodly.

Your brain will take your perception; your belief system and make everything it sees, perceives or hears, fit that perception.


This is why it is imperative that you have the right perception and understanding of being Single, because if you don’t, you will not get the best God has for you.

If you start with a perception that is out of alignment with God, then absolutely everything else will head in the wrong direction. Your perception drives your perspective, which is a particular attitude, a way of looking at something, a point of view, an outlook, a viewpoint, a position, a stance, or a frame of mind.

In our next article, “What Are You Thinking Pt. 2, we’ll talk about what strongholds are, how they affect your thinking and practical ways of destroying them.

So, what do you think? Leave a comment.