What Was In Adam that Came Out in the Form of Woman?

Genesis 2: 21-22

2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.


When I first started this study, over 30 years ago as a single man, after reading these verses of Scripture, God asked me a question, which is now the foundational question throughout this whole ministry. He said,


“John, what was in Adam that came out in the form of woman?

This is vitally important to know because whatever is in the man, that’s who his wife will be. And whatever is in the woman, that’s who her husband is because she was taken out of man. Therefore, whatever is inside of you, that is who your wife will be. So, if you don’t like what’s inside of you, get it out now before you get married.”


Isn’t that an interesting concept? As a man, God wants you to get rid of your old sinful nature and replace it with His nature, so He can take out Who He is in you and make that into the woman He has for you. As a woman, God wants you to get rid of your old sinful nature and replace it with His nature, so He can shape and mold you into Who He is from the man He has for you, because woman was taken out of man.

In order to have a better understanding of Who God is in you, let’s take a look at the Hebrew words for man and woman.



Our letter “Y” came from the Hebrew letter יYood,” a picture of a closed hand symbolizing to work. This letter like in English can carry both the “y” and the “ee” sounds. By placing the letter yood in the middle of the word for fire the Hebrew word “איש eesh or ish” which means man is formed. The word picture describes a man as the one whose “hand or work is in the midst of the fire.




Our letter “E” came from the Hebrew letter הHey,” literally means “behold” and is the picture of a window. Symbolically this letter at the end of a word means “what comes from.” But the Hebrew letter, unlike ours was the sound of “h”. By placing the letter Hey at the end of the word for fire, the Hebrew word אשה “ee-shah or ’ishshah” which means woman is formed. The word picture describes a woman as the one who “comes out of the fire.


So, the Hebrew word picture describes a man as the one whose hand or work is in the midst of the fire. And the Hebrew word picture describes a woman as the one who comes out of the fire. The root word for man and woman is fire. The Hebrew letter in the middle of the word for man is yood – the hand, this letter speaks of work, of creation, of personal strength. The Hebrew letter at the end of the word for woman is Hey – literally means “behold.” Symbolically this letter at the end of a word means “what comes from.”

איש man

  אשה  woman

Combined, these letters spell “יה Yah,” which is the short form ofיהוה Yahweh – God’s Holy Name,” and is the picture of fire! (This makes me think of Moses and the burning bush) United together, men and women, husband and wife proclaim the true God. The Trinity!


When we receive Jesus Christ as our LORD and personal Savior, the fire (Yahweh) begins dwelling within us. The word picture describes fire as “The Strong Devourer.” At this point, God devours or destroys the power of sin’s nature in us and our spirit is saved instantly. However, our soul (mind, emotions and will) must be retrained and learn how to live life as a spiritual being from heaven’s perspective here on earth. Therefore, our soul is saved progressively.


As a result, a man is described as the one whose “hand or work is in the midst of the fire.” In other words, the work is when a man studies the Bible to get rid of his old way of thinking and behavior, begins living in his new nature by applying what he studied, works on building an intimate relationship with God (Trinity) and begins the journey of fulfilling his purpose. It is at this point Jesus begins revealing Himself to you.


The fire is when the man starts transforming into the essence; the very nature of God, developing the character of Christ, and displaying the reputation of the Holy Spirit. This is when you start taking on His name. Man’s hand or personal strength is a result of his personal relationship with Jesus.


When a woman studies the Bible to get rid of her old way of thinking and behavior, begins living her new nature by applying what she studied, works on building an intimate relationship with God (Trinity) and begins the journey of fulfilling her purpose, she becomes a physical manifestation and reflection of the fire in the man God has for her.

Jesus begins revealing Himself to you just like He’s revealing Himself to the man. That’s why the Hebrew word picture describes woman as the one who “comes out of the fire” because God took her out of man.

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Selah Insight

The fire in man is “God’s self-revelation in man.” The fire in woman is “God’s self-revelation in man revealed.

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For this reason, it is vitally important to understand that whatever is inside of you will come out in the form of your future spouse. Therefore, if you don’t like what’s inside of you, get it out now and replace it with the character of Christ.

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